Friday A-B-Cs: Surf into the weekend like 🏄🏻

Whew! This week flew by, didn't it?

Happy Friday, tired parents! Welcome back to the newsletter that knows exactly how your kids are going to react to our suggestions:

Courtesy of one of our readers. Looks great to me, their loss!

Last week’s format worked well, so we’ll run with it again!

A quick and easy dinner idea to keep on reserve

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It doesn’t get much easier (and tastier) than this. Buy a pack of these on Amazon, throw one pack in your rice cooker with a cup of uncooked rice + 2 cups of water + 1lb of boneless skinless chicken thighs and turn the rice cooker on.

Wait about 30 minutes, and enjoy! Optionally serve with cucumber/tomato/chili oil for garnish.

Best Memes and Social Posts of the Week

1. Ahh, she’s finally asleep. Wait…

Oddly enough, my newborn has been making this exact face lately 😂

2. Weekly dose of child inspiration

My 5 year old son has taken a big interest in going to the library over the last year, and is starting to read incredibly well on his own. Brings me back to spending hours at my local library as a kid. It’s always awesome to see your kids develop their intellect and curiosity!

3. Support Your Partner

Had a couple of nights like that this week with both kids 🙃

4. Speaking of sleeping tips…

In case you are struggling with overactivity at bedtime, here are some potentially helpful tips on how to get your little ones to calm their bodies.

5. You’re doing a great job!

A couple of months ago, my son dropped an f-bomb and used it absolutely perfectly. It was hard to decide whether to be angry or impressed.

(Thankfully, it hasn’t happened again!)

Cocktail (and Mocktail) Ideas for the Weekend

National Margarita Day was this week, so here’s a good reminder on how to make a killer margarita at home!

Mocktail Margarita

No alcohol? No problem. This Mocktail Margarita is sure to hit the spot.

One More Thing: Weekend Activity Pick for Our LA Audience

Experience the rhythm of history at the City of Inglewood's Black History Month Celebration! The Family Festival will take place on Saturday, February 24th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. along Market Street (from Regent Street to Hillcrest Boulevard) in Downtown Inglewood, CA. Join us for live entertainment, vendor booths, food and family fun!

That’s it for this week’s issue! Have a great weekend.